Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Mitochondria Factory

Cell Factory Poster 

**To demonstrate an understanding of how energy in your body is developed and why nutrition plays such an important role.  

Cell Factory Poster
An analogy
According to Webster an analogy means; similar in some ways, otherwise unlike.
According to Longmans an analogy means; something that seems similar in two situations or processes.
For example we can make an analogy between the brain and a computer.
In biology that means similarity in function (job)
But not in origin or structure (how it appears)

JUST like the cell produces proteins, factories work to produce various products. Certain areas in a factory perform  a specific function and the people who run the factory specific jobs. Organelles can be compared to a factory.

 Decide What your factory will produce and what you will call  (name) your factory

You will develop a small poster of the "factory" as it relates to mitochondria.  You will choose a “type” of factory to design. You will need to label specific areas of the factory according to the “work” performed in that area of the factory. Then you will label the organelle that most “fits” that description . You must JUSTIFY or explain WHY you chose that organelle to represent that area of the factory. You may use a simile format but you will still need to JUSTIFY YOUR ANSWER! FOR EXAMPLE:  
The engine room is like the Mitochondria of the cell because ……..OR
The mitochondria is to the energy producer of the cell as the engine room is to this car factory because it provides the power for the whole factory. BUT DON’T STOP THERE!
Explain (BOTH) what the real organelle’s function in the cell is and how that corresponds or “syncs” to the area in your factory.
**The mitochondria (powerhouse) of a cell corresponds to the “engine room” of this factory because the mitochondria is a double membrane organelle that produces the cells ATP (energy) just like this shoe factory has a “power room” where all the power comes from. The power room in this factory provides all the power and electricity for the functioning of the factory.
So remember!
1.     Explain what your factory will be produce.

2.     Choose a name or topic for the poster. Topics can include:
·         Basketball Factory, Nike Factory, Amusement Park, School, Mall, Vehicles, Ecosystems, The Navy etc… Let your imagination soar.

3.     Draw and label a factory whose parts/rooms/areas correspond and function similarly in a cell.

4.    Explain why certain foods (proteins for example) are important in this process.  

Cell Analogy Project       
Name:_______________________    Date: ___________Period: _______


Scoring Rubric 

Assign points for each category, then add up the total points. There are 40 points possible.

Category10 pts8 pts6 pts4 ptsEnter PointsMrs. R
GraphicsAll graphics are related to the topic, super attractive
Includes neat labels
All graphics are related to the topic and attractive
Nice labeling
All graphics are related to the topic.
Okay looking
Labels included
Some graphics do not relate to topic.
Distractingly messy
ContentAt least 8 organelles are displayed on the poster , shows great understanding of the analogy7-6 organelles are displayed on the poster. Shows knowledge of the analogy5-4 organelles are displayed on the poster. Shows a llittle knowledge of the analogyLess than 4 organelles are displayed on the poster or model.
Does not understand the analogy
One sentence analogy comparing organelles to factory parts8 detailed analogies clearly written in complete, correct form8 analogies
written in complete , correct form.
6-7 analogies are written in complete. Correct form.4 or less analogies are written or analogies are not written in complete sentences.
AttractivenessThe poster or model is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, creativity, and neatness.The poster or model is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness.The poster or model is acceptably attractive though it may be a bit messy.The poster or model is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. Its layout distracts from the content of the project.