Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Dangerous Minds Movie Questions

Dangerous Minds Questions
Answer each in complete sentences please.

1.     How did the assistant principal characterize the children at school?

2.     How can you describe the teacher’s emotions during the first lesson at school?

3.    What was Griffith’s advice to Miss Johnson concerning her new "students"? 

4.    Why wasn’t Miss Johnson’s first day in the class successful?

5.    How did the students behave? Were there those who wanted to study?

6.    What sentence was written on the board first?

7.    Why did Miss Johnson change it for another one?

8.    What affect does the sentence “We choose to die” have on the class?

9.    Had the students read any books before they met Miss Johnson?

10. Who paid for the trip to the amusement park?

11. Who was Griffith’s favorite poet?

12. What is “the Flowering Peach”?

13. What is the Dylan-Dylan contest about?

14. What was every poem by Thomas Dylan about?

15. Who were the winners of Dylan-Dylan contest?

16. What was the reward?

17. Why was Raul going to cut school for a couple of days?

18. What was the teacher’s condition for lending some money to Raul?

19. Do you think Raul kept his word?

20. What do you know about Miss Johnson’s family?

21. What happened to Emilio?

22. Who is “a tambourine man”?

23. What is “clearview”?

24.    Does Dangerous Minds promote or challenge stereotypes of urban youth? Give two reasons for your answer.

25.    Why do you think this movie is called Dangerous Minds?
If you had to give the movie a different name, what would you give it?

26.    How believable is this movie? Explain your answer with three good reasons why it is or isn’t believable.

27.    Dangerous Minds was shot 29 years ago. Things have changed over the past decades. How do you think LouAnne would be accepted today given her rather unconventional style? How would students, parents, colleagues, administration, and community members respond to her?

28.    What is the most significant thing you have learned from watching the movie?

29.    Do you think that a film like this should be used as a model for beginning teachers? If so, explain why? If not, explain why?

30.    What does the film tell you about constructions of race and schooling in American culture?