Monday, January 20, 2020

Good Will Hunting - Mental Health Questions

1.   What do you think Will Hunting's life would have been like if the therapy had not been successful?

2.  The actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck wrote the script for this movie. Are they trying to say that the highest and best achievement of a man is to "go see about a girl", to have an empathetic loving relationship with a woman?

QUESTIONS RELATING TO ATTACHMENT DISORDER:  Attachment disorder can occur after a child has significant trauma (Adverse Childhood Experiences).

3.  Describe attachment disorder and how it starts.

4.  If the adults that a child must rely upon don't take care of the child or if they beat the child and violate the child's boundaries, what message does that send to the child?

5.  What were some of the symptoms of attachment disorder from which Will Hunting suffered at the beginning of the film?

6.  How was Will different at the end of the movie from the way he was at the beginning?

7.  Sean asks Will to list the people he feels that he has real relationships with. What does Will answer, and how does this relate to attachment disorder?

8.  What did reading and mastering subjects mean for Will psychologically? Why didn't he use his gifts to find friends or in a competitive academic setting?

9.  What was going on when Sean got angry at Will, held him up against the wall, and told Will that if he disrespected Sean's wife again Sean would beat him up?

10.  Why couldn't Will, before his breakthrough, tell Skylar that he loved her?

11.  How did the scene of the fight relate to Will's attachment disorder? Why does Will have to be pulled off the man who used to beat him up in kindergarten?

12.  Was Professor Lambeau trying to manipulate Will or to help him?

13.  Will Hunting was able to look at Sean's picture and describe Sean's character with enough accuracy to really upset Sean. Will was able to do this because of two reasons. One was because Will was so smart. What was the second one?

14.  Adverse Childhood Experiences:  What experiences did Will have as a child?   Give two examples.  

15.  When Will and Chuckie are working construction, Chuckie threatens that if Will is still around in a few years, "he'll kill him".  He mentions that the best part of his day is when he pulls up to pick up Will.   He hopes he's gone.  Why would he say this? What is his intention? Why does he want Will to go away?

16.  At the end of the film, when Sean tell's Will "It's not your fault", what did he mean?  How was he able to break through to Will when all of the others failed?  

17.  Finally, I've talked about "resilience" in class as it relates to a person's mental health and "Adverse Childhood Experiences".  This is a reoccurring theme in my class.  Why?  What did you learn about this and about yourself?

**Enjoy the second semester!  "Finish Strong".  :)