Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Please click the link below:

Not sure if we can actually click on this link and edit it.  Try it and we'll go from there.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

AIDS Scoring Guides-Group

Scoring Guides-Group

Student Name________________________________
Organization                        1          2          3          4          5         
Information gathering          1          2          3          4          5
Interaction w/team               1          2          3          4          5         
Responsibility                      1          2          3          4          5         
Cooperation                         1          2          3          4          5         

Student Name________________________________
Organization                        1          2          3          4          5         
Information gathering          1          2          3          4          5
Interaction w/team               1          2          3          4          5         
Responsibility                      1          2          3          4          5         
Cooperation                         1          2          3          4          5         

Student Name________________________________
Organization                        1          2          3          4          5         
Information gathering          1          2          3          4          5
Interaction w/team               1          2          3          4          5         
Responsibility                      1          2          3          4          5         
Cooperation                         1          2          3          4          5         

Student Name________________________________
Organization                        1          2          3          4          5         
Information gathering          1          2          3          4          5
Interaction w/team               1          2          3          4          5         
Responsibility                      1          2          3          4          5         
Cooperation                         1          2          3          4          5         

Student Name________________________________
Organization                        1          2          3          4          5         
Information gathering          1          2          3          4          5
Interaction w/team               1          2          3          4          5         
Responsibility                      1          2          3          4          5         
Cooperation                         1          2          3          4          5         

Monday, October 13, 2014

Emerging Diseases and Pandemics

Good Morning! (or afternoon)

Go here:

Do This:

Summarize two different diseases in notability.   Write about a disease that is considered a communicable disease that could become a pandemic or large scale illness.   Use your own words to summarize this article.  PLEASE do not copy and paste.

A few of you will be asked to "peer teach" your disease to the class tomorrow.  Please have pictures on your presentation.  Make this a presentation as if you WILL be teaching it.  You don't know who will be picked!

Some things to consider:   How is it spread? What is the likelihood that it will occur?  Has it occurred before?  Do we have a vaccine?  Can we keep it from spreading? Where are the "hot spots" or places where this illness have a high rate of infection?  What is the likelihood that this WILL occur?

Your presentation should be five minutes in length.  

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Hey there!  Today is a fantastic day if you want it to be!  :)

Go here:

Read and write in your own words about the different types of meth.  A couple paragraphs or "bullet lists" should be fine.  :)

Then go here!

Use the street names and categorize the drug (what type is it…how popular is it…what are the side effects….are they different?)

Add what you find to the writeup above.    What questions do you have about meth?

Finally, there are several articles out there stating that meth isn't that bad.  Please research it and find out what they have to say.

**Why are we doing this?   We have a guest speaker on Friday.  I want you to be know a bit more about meth when they show up.   Is meth really that bad?   Let's find out!  :)

Enjoy the day!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Brain Development & Teens

Good Day Summit Health!

As we continue to research drugs, I think it's important to understand our brains and why teenagers tend to behave differently than adults.   Here is some GREAT research that explains it pretty well:

Please go to the link, read it and highlight the points that might explain why we (teens) tend to engage in what we consider risky behaviors.

Now go here:

After reading both articles, please extrapolate (what does this mean) important information and write about what you found.   I would like two paragraphs actually written on paper explaining what you learned (or what was reinforced) about why teens engage in risky behaviors and what the differences are between boys and girls brain development.

This assignment should be between 1/2 and one full page if you include appropriate information.  WE WILL HAVE AN EXAM ON THIS INFORMATION AS I FEEL IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN KNOWING WHAT IS IN THE DRUGS THAT KIDS EXPERIMENT WITH!!!  Make sure you understand what's happening in our brains!  :)

Please turn in a HARD COPY to our inboxes.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Binge Drinking

Good Morning!

Here is what we're doing today.   Please go to the following link:

You should read the article and write a short reflection on what you think about the facts and statistics.

  1. Do you have your own personal opinions about why kids at Summit drink?
  2. Do you believe it's dangerous?
  3. Do you have any suggestions for how to reduce teenage binge drinking?
  4. What are your personal restrictions on drinking…or your personal boundaries?
Please turn these into the dropbox at the end of class today.  DUE TODAY.  NO LATER!


Thursday, September 11, 2014

Marijuana Initiative - Oregon

Good Morning!

Please go here:,_Measure_91_(2014)

Read about this initiative and report back in your own words as to what this is all about.

Here's what I want:

What is the initiative all about?
What are the key points?
What are the benefits?
What are the problems?

Finally, what do you think?  Please write in your own words if you agree with the initiative or not and why.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The truth about marijuana

Good Morning!

Here is what we're doing today!

Go to:  and

Read and pull out any information you can from this article.  You CAN copy and paste this information.

Then…..research and find opinions that counter (or are of the opposing opinion) what you found above.

Then…. create a half page paper of your own thoughts on marijuana.

Some direction for you:

Do you think it's dangerous?
Would you ever try it (if you have…does this change your opinion?)
Should high school kids use marijuana?
Should we legalize it?
Should we have legal dispensaries? (places that sell it)
Any other thoughts you might have about the drug would be good to add in.

Please turn this in to my drop box.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Health II Course Syllabus

Health II
Classroom Management Plan
Mr. Turnbull
541-355-4114 /

A.  Course Overview:  Students in Health II will learn concepts related to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, prevention and control of disease, environmental health, healthy eating, mental, social and emotional health, physical activity and wellness, sexual health and violence prevention.   Students in Health II will be interactive in class as well as on-line. 

B.  Grading:  Students will be assessed after each unit and many assignments and/or exams will be online @ If homework is assigned there will be no books checked out, but online resources are available.   Parents and students will need to get an account through Parent/Student Assist (see back) to check grades.

You will be graded on a percentage basis:       90% - 100%                A
                                                                        80% - 89%                  B
                                                                        70% - 79%                  C
Make up work will be allowed for sickness and other absences.  Work should be completed within 5 days.  If a student knows they will miss for athletic/activities, they should get work ahead of time if possible.

C.   Classroom Rules and Procedures:  The rules and procedures of Health II are simple and should be adhered to at all times. 

Rule 1:  You are expected to listen with your ears and eyes to the instructor. 

Rule 2:  You are expected to be on time to class.

Rule 3:  You are expected to be courteous and respectful of all people in class at all times.

Any conduct that deviates from this will not be allowed.  Consequences for not following the rules will be:
  1. Verbal reminders
  2. Removal from area
  3. Call home
  4. Detention
  5. Office Referral

**PLEASE Take a snapshot(screenshot) of this and put it in your dropbox. That is proof that you’ve read it!  Take a selfie with a parent and drop it in as well so I know they’ve seen it! 

As required by the state of Oregon, this form will serve as notification that Mr. Turnbull will be discussing/teaching topics that may be considered “sensitive”.  Mr. Turnbull teaches an open ended curriculum where sensitive subject such as AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, drug abuse and teen risk factors (sex, peer pressure etc.) weave throughout daily lesson plans.


  ***If you have concerns about sensitive topics, please fill out the following:

  Please excuse _______________ from the topic of ________________ and offer
  him/her alternative assignments/projects.    

  Please shoot Mr. Turnbull an email:

I ___________________ have read and understand the classroom management plan for Health II for the 2014/2015 school year.

You will need a Parent Assistant user name and password.  You can request an account by emailing the Bend-Lapine School District office at

Go to the Bend-Lapine schools webpage:  Click on the Parents Tab.

In the General Information area, there is a link to the Parent Assistant Webpage.  You’ll find “help” guides, computer requirements, login button and other Parent Assistant information on this webpage. 

Mr. Turnbull will not be doing daily grade checks for individual students.  You must advocate for your own grade.   PLEASE check your assignments daily.  Once the drop box is closed, you are too late. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Childhood Illness Report

Good Morning Health II!

As I said yesterday, we will report on childhood illnesses today.  Here's what you've got to do today.

1.  Research a childhood illness.  Here is a good list of nine of them.

Put together a presentation (slide show of some sort), of what it is, how it's transmitted, photo's of what it looks like (fifth's disease has photo's), symptoms and treatments.   If you can find local statistics or you have personal experience with the illness, please share.

**All of you will be asked to turn this in to the dropbox today (at least screenshots of what you've done).  

***Four of you will be selected tomorrow to present your report during class.  I will let you know who is presenting tomorrow!

Get going!  The Dropbox will close TODAY!!! IF you don't turn it in today, you will not be able to.  Late work is now NOT accepted.  We have just over a month of school left.  :)

Have fun!


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Kidsport Inc!

Sport Psychology
Youth Sports

Welcome to KidSport Inc!  We welcome you as a candidate for director of operations for our youth sports program.  Our first endeavor is to develop a “philosophy” for our youth programs.  Please take a moment to write down your philosophy on youth activities.

With the above statements, try to develop a “mission statement” or a short statement of “what” your goal for the students will be.

What are some of the problems that could arise with our youth program?

Should we come up with a “code of conduct” for our kids?  Parents?  ____________.
What should it be?

How do we decide who gets to play?

Does this tie in with our mission statement?

What do you remember most about your own experience in youth programs?

Can we replicate your positive experience?  ___________________
How? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Can we avoid your negative experience? ___________________

Do we accept volunteer coaches?

Thank you for your effort!  Please attach resume’ to this document.

-David L. Turnbull

KidSport Inc.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cancer Analogy

Good Morning!

Please welcome Mrs. Fallon to our class with warm smiles and respect.  Mrs Fallon is one of my all time favorites and we are lucky to have her as a sub.


"Cancer Analogy"

Using appropriate terminology from the board, please write a one page cancer analogy. You will have to be specific and creative.  The example of "Cancer is like a weed" cannot be used.  However, the concept can be.  "Cancer is like a weed".  If not controlled and exterminated, the dandelion will spread (metastasize) to other parts of the field.  Etc…etc….etc.   Over the years, I've had some GREAT analogies.  Will yours be?

Please have this turned in by the end of the class period.   Use the drop box in studentvue.



Thursday, March 20, 2014

Name: __________________________________

Communicable Disease Exam
Health II

1.  What is the difference between a virus and bacteria?   Differentiate between the two.

2.  What is a “Vector”?  Give at least two examples.

3.  Define what a “pathogen” is.

4.  Give several symptoms of Hepatitis.  There are three main types but the symptoms are very similar.  Please give a minimum of three and tell me why Hepatitis is so dangerous.

5.  Please give a basic explanation of the immune response using the following vocab words.   Phagocytes,  Macrophage, Antigens, Killer T, Suppressor T, Helper T, B Cells, antibody, pathogen.   You can write it out, give a summary…whatever helps you explain it!

6.  In the movie “Contagion”, what was MEV-1?  How about MEV-3? 

7.  Explain the basic transmission steps of the virus in the movie.

8.  How many times a day does an average person touch their face?   What can you do to help avoid spreading bacteria?

9.  What is an “R-NOT” or R-0?   Explain in detail.

10.  What is the difference between a Pandemic and an Epidemic?

11.  BONUS:   Explain what SARS is?   What doe SARS stand for?